The Russian military suffered years of neglect after the Soviet collapse and no longer casts the shadow of a global superpower. However, the Russian armed forces are in the midst of a historic overhaul with significant consequences for Eurasian politics and security. Russian officials say the reform...
How Kosovo Empowers the Russian MilitaryDeborah Yarsike Ball
Russia’s multi-tentacled Wagner Group is not just sending mercenaries to Ukrainian. It’s also fighting the West with making slick propaganda films.
Instead, acknowledging that the things we say and the things we mean are undeniably interwoven and powerful might be a better jumping off point for deep (and not so deep) discussions. Now That's Interesting Speaking of semantics, did you know "Janus words" (named for the two-faced ...
As the U.S. and the Soviets slipped into a decadeslong period of animosity that became known as the Cold War, both nations developed an even more powerful nuclear weapon — the hydrogen bomb — and built arsenals of warheads. Both countries augmented their fleets of strategic bombers with ...
The United States is the most powerful member. It spends much more on defense than any other ally and far outweighs its partners in terms of military muscle. So Washington drives the agenda. NATO’s day-to-day work is led by its secretary-general — former Norwegian Prime Minister Jen...
Pop Mech Pro: Military Anti-Drone Weapons That Terrify America’s Enemies Is China’s New Stealth Fighter a Copy of the F-35? He Sold America's Stealth Secrets to China What a Future Space War Will Look Like China Invented an Invisibility Cloak for Drones ...
Early February 24, 2022, most Ukrainians wake up to powerful explosions and the rumble of rockets, feeling of shaking ground and buildings’ walls, calling their relatives in a panic, and gathering their things. Social networks and pro-Russian media already wrote about the capitulation of Kyiv....
Once the upstart foreigner stole Russia’s throne, there was no stopping her enlightened reforms, her empire's expansion, and her pursuit of love and legacy.
Called Blitzkrieg, or "lightning war," the Nazis strategically attacked with surprise and speed to blast through overwhelmed armies, using a potent combination of infantry, tanks, vehicles, and bombing planes. "The Germans were doing very well. Germany didn't need powerful new weapons," Walker,...