You can demolish a stone wall with a sledgehammer, and it's fairly easy to level a five-story building using excavators and wrecking balls. But when you need to bring down a massive structure, say a 20-storyskyscraper, you have to haul out the big guns. Explosive demolition is the pref...
The good news is that taking the time to get your product pricing right can act as a powerful growth lever. If you optimize your pricing strategy so that more people are paying a higher amount, you'll end up with significantly more revenue than a business who treats pricing more pas...
Such folksy wisdom, combined with personal experience, makes this slogan a powerful sledgehammer for political campaigns. Overseas, the slogan “If you don’t know, vote no” has been used for campaigns as diverse as Ireland’svoteon the European Union’s Constitution (2008) and the ...
Better mastered than a sledgehammer, the short handle can be used in a closed space or give you a hand to stabilize the material. shortcoming: No small hammer is harder to locate accurately, and less powerful than a sledgehammer use: When you want to smash something hard to smash and you...
The following snippet is from the iPhone 13 Pro sales page: Example of a strong voice #3: Apple With its redesigned lens and powerful autofocus system, the new Ultra Wide camera can focus at just 2cm—making even the smallest details seem epic. Transform a leaf into abstract art. Capture ...
Do you ever hear people talking about using a sledgehammer to crack a nut? Using too much force where only a little would do is obviously a waste of energy—but it's something we all do, all the time, where electricity is concerned. Broadly speaking, voltage is the electrical equivalent...
— Sledgehammer Games (@SHGames)July 3, 2024 It’s described in-game as “a meticulously crafted stock and receiver modification that updates the weapon to fire a two-round burst at minimal MOA dispersion, making every trigger pull count.” ...
Well-written software applications are fast, powerful and flexible: They are remarkably disciplined, following a rigid set of self-imposed rules. Their meticulous organization allows them to keep track of millions of bits of information, and theirmultitasking abilityis unmatched. As air breathing, fle...
Here’s a very old video of yours truly doing a Tabata sledgehammer workout: 7. Arms-only rowing machine Rowingis usually a full-body activity. Each stroke starts with a powerful leg extension called the drive. You then transition to pulling with your arms once you’re moving. Using your...
Wrench is the second powerful new operative added with Watch Dogs: Legion Bloodline alongsideAiden Pearce. His perks are as follows: Summon Sergei: Summon Custom Drone Ninja Balls: Mini LTL Flashbangs Lady Smash: A big hammer SMG and LTL APGL: Unique weapon arsenal ...