1) I want to be able to control the braking of the PMSM using this PM_sensorless with FOC. To stop the code from going to the board/stop the motor, EnableFlag as 0 locks the rotor, while DRV_RESET as 1, stops the...
I am using MC SDK 5.4.4 to drive a PMSM motor using STSPIN32F0601. Now, I want to add a potentiometer to my system to sense different user selectable levels. Generally, in other appplications we can intialize the ADC and read the ADC converted values as and w...
In fact, what are you looking for is part of another tool scope - it is called MCAT and it contains a reference code for running on MPC5744P and also a UI control to configure the motor parameters. More information can be found here: MPC5744...
You can refer to the SDK examples evkbmimxrt1170_mc_bldc or evkbmimxrt1170_mc_pmsm_enc (v2.16.000). Both examples perform the same eFlexPWM + ADC_ETC synchronization, almost equal to yours. The difference is that it uses a different compare value (val4) for ADC triggering. Documentati...
2-3 R2023b Version: 23.2 New Features Bug Fixes 3 R2023b Motor Calibration: Improved workflow for calibrating current tables You can now use a live script to preprocess permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) data for use in Model-Based Calibration Toolbox. See Preprocess Permanent Magnet ...
This board is designed for BLDC/PMSM. Let me know and thanks. Thomson 0 Kudos Reply 06-07-2018 01:17 AM 4,226 Views thomsonzhou Contributor III Thank you very much! Your reply is very helpful to me. My problem has been resolved. And here is my story:...
I use MC9S12ZVML128 PMSM Sensorless. I try to use my own motor, and to modify the parameters in MCAT. My motor is made with Delta connection, but the sample project is made for Y connection. Then, I have some questions. Can I drive my motor with the sample project...
hi, I have downloaded the Example Model: S12ZVM FOC Sensorless Motor Control and can run in SIMULINK, but I do not know the effect of this simulation