CorelDraw, or Photopea Online Editor. PSD files use layers with images and objects that are stacked to create and edit images. Even mockups created in other platforms such asMediaModfiercan be used to
Smartcat uses advanced optical character recognition (OCR) to enable it to read embedded text in images. As a result, it’s compatible with a wide range of image formats. These include itsJPG translatorand itsPNG translator. Smartcat is also compatible with Adobe Photoshop files via itsPSD tran...
Other graphic editors such asCorelDRAWandPaintShop Procan also open PSD files. Like GIMP, these won’t offer a seamless experience, but you should be able to get the job done if you want to make simple edits. If you’re just looking to view the PSD file, rather than edit it, then t...
GIMP.The first free application that is worth trying to open a PSD file. GIMP edits such files to the full extent. The project will be opened not just as a static picture. It will display available layers so you can perform certain operations on them. However, when making changes and sav...
How To Open PSD Files Tools To Open PSD File #1) Photoshop #2) CorelDRAW #3) PaintShop Pro Tools To Open PSD Files Without Photoshop #1) GIMP #2) IrfanView #3) Artweaver #4) Paint.Net #5) Photopea #6) PSD Viewer #7) Apple Preview ...