Many people often get concerned when it comes to penis sizes. In fact, this is the reason behind the thriving penis enlargement or male enhancement industry. But you can’t deny the fact that many are doubtful that such an option can really work. So they look for natural ways to enlarge ...
Traceback and Source Identification of Human Shiga Toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infections When people are diagnosed with STEC through a laboratory test ordered by their health care provider, they become a “case” that is reported to their local or state public health department. Cases are...
You may have heard of people who are lactose intolerant, or you may suffer from this problem yourself. The problem arises because the sugar in milk -- lactose -- does not get broken into its glucose components. Therefore, it cannot be digested. The intestinal cells of lactose-intolerant peop...
Best of all, people don't have to walk for miles to get the fuel they need. They simply go outside and use the sun -- for free. Using a solar cooker for a single year can eliminate the need for 1 ton (0.9 metric tons) of firewood [source: Justus]. Another problem that can...
Add the flour only after you’ve adjusted to taste because there’s a potential food safety issue with raw flour (and many brands have been recalled for e-coli in the past few years, yuck).Fruit also varies in the amount of moisture it contains and how juicy the final pie will be. ...
Orzo is actually the Italian word for “barley” and because of this, many people mistake this dried pasta for the actual grain. To add more confusion to mix, this shape resembles large grains of rice, which also looks a bit similar to barley grains. This is probably why (perhaps to les...
“people get upset if you put a gene from another species into something you eat,” says stanford bioethicist and legal scholar henry greely. “now we’re talking about a thorough rewriting of life? hairs will stand on end. hackles will be raised.” raised hackles or not, church and his...
As bird flu infections rise in dairy cattle and chickens, human cases are ticking up too, leaving many people to wonder whether they might be at risk from this recently arrived virus. Bird flu infections are rare in people. Sixty-onehuman caseshave been confirmed in the US this year, accor...
As bird flu infections rise in dairy cattle and chickens, human cases are ticking up too, leaving many people to wonder whether they might be at risk from this recently arrived virus.
Sign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Friday from the CNN Health team. People can catch bird flu when enough virus gets into their eyes, nose or mouth or when they breathe it in. This usually takes close, prolonged exposure to infected animals. For that ...