Though COVID-19 so far appears to be largely sparing children, researchers are cautioning that it is critical to understand how the virus affects kids to model the pandemic accurately, limit the disease's spread and ensure the youngest patients get the care they need. The warning comes from ...
How the Covid-19 pandemic affects our perspective on the medical treatment of acute appendicitis in childrenMehmet Emin Boleken aTansel Günendi aOsman Hakan Kocaman aFerit Doan bMahmut Alp Karahan cJournal of Pediatric Surgery
or the well-documented phenomenon where students forget some of the knowledge they have acquired when too much time is taken off from school. Decades of research shows that it can
The negative impact of the pandemic on the job market is also likely to affect the future employability of young people – three in four young are facing school closures and report that during lockdown they have been learning less or nothing at all. This is especially relevant for tho...
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the lives of families everywhere. Household routines have changed, with families forced to spend more time than usual at home. School-aged children may have to prepare their own snacks and meals in between
Carol O'Leary, whose 23-year-old son, Brendan,has autism, is a single mom who worried what would happen to her son if she removed him from his group home during the pandemic. "I actually called my doctor and I said, 'What do I do?'" O'Leary told TODAY. "She said, 'If you ...
While some pre-COVID-19 behaviors will return at some point, many of the changes that occurred during the pandemic are likely to become permanent, especially new habits like video chats with family, telehealth visits with doctors and virtual workouts at home....
College students coping with COVID-19: stress-buffering effects of self-disclosure on social media and parental support The ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic is a salient cause for distress among college students. Studies have indicated that parental support, as well as self-... L Zhen,Y Nan,...
(human immunodeficiency virus). Despite these hurdles, there is currently a tremendous movement to develop a vaccine to fight HIV and AIDS. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in millions of people being infected with the virus and hundreds of thousands of deaths worldwide. The race is on to...
This summer, as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to spread, Operation Outbreak was rolled out to 2,000 students in Chicago who were participating as 'social distancing ambassadors' as part of the One Summer Chicago program. Participants used the app to track and trace behaviors and learn how ...