Pakistanweapons grade plutoniumIt is generally accepted that Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme relies on domestic supplies ofuranium. Although constraints on uranium supply in Pakistan are recognized, this is often nottaken into account when estimating the amount of fissile material that Pakistan may ...
The United States has over 2,800 nuclear weapons as of March 1, 2019, a number fixed at rough parity with the Russian Federation by international treaty. France and the United Kingdom have a few hundred. No one knows how many India, China, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel have. The U....
had contributed to theoretical and particle physics, was the founding director of the Space Research Commission (SUPARCO), and had established the Theoretical Physics Group (TPG) in the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. He helped stage events that led to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. He was ...
allowing Saddam to trade easily on the black market, he was free to brew all the chem-bio weapons he wanted. Making a nuclear weapon is harder, and intelligence officials still believe he is a few years away from even regaining
Something must be done and this battle cannot be fought in the trenches.We need to take action. Start by making sure nobody in your circle donates to the website.Then make a call so others stop funding this Jew-hate.Start petitions calling for change and for the government to discuss the...
military forces had killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. In June, modified U.S. military strategy was adjusted to reflect that a cyberattack would be a legitimate reason to declare war. Shortly after, an FBI investigation revealed that Chinese hackers had tapped into American ...
Pakistan explodes in protest over new Adobe Acrobat update; 17 local acrobats killed White House: "Let them eat statistics" Special Ops: if Benedict Arnold had a son, he would look like Barack Obama AD GOES HERE IOTW Report MOTUS: the Mirror of the United States Terry Colon Spread Great ...
military forces had killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. In June, modified U.S. military strategy was adjusted to reflect that a cyberattack would be a legitimate reason to declare war. Shortly after, an FBI investigation revealed that Chinese hackers had tapped into American ...
A fresh example of that is the unpleasant exchange between India and Pakistan, significant regional players both of whom hold nuclear weapons but whom are traditionally not considered Great Powers. An unexpected violent reaction by India to a particularly horrendous terror attack by a Pakistani-linked...
Pakistan could not say that they were serving the interests of the big power, because Pakistan said “No, if we are a member of SEATO, we are after our own security.” So that was a compromise. And that was one of the delicate problems at the Conference which was solved. That would ...