Objective: Hemorrhoids is one of the ancient diseases in the world and very painful to the patient. Open hemorrhoidectomy remains a surgical therapy for he... I Sial,R Kumar,Arija, DharmooJabeen, SadafMelwani, RekhaSarwar, GhulamMirza, AlinaAnwar, Adnan - 《Journal of Research in Medical &...
An anal fissure is a tear of any size in the anus. If you've ever noticed a spot or two of bright red blood on your toilet tissue after having an uncomfortable bowel movement, you have likely experienced an anal fissure. An anal fissure can lead to burning, stinging, or sharp pain du...
Without sexual arousal, sex may feel uncomfortable, painful, or unsatisfying. Women who struggle with arousal may experience difficulty achieving orgasm, reduced sensitivity, or a lack of interest in sex. This can lead to frustration, anxiety, and reduced quality of life. Fortunately, there are se...
How Do You Know if You Have Hemorrhoid Symptoms or Something More Serious? Hemorrhoids are a painful inflammation of the skin and tissue surrounding the anus and rectum. Some symptoms of hemorrhoids are similar to symptoms of more serious conditions, like colon cancer. Learn what the symptoms are...
How to get rid of hemorrhoids? Numerous doctors recommend hemorrhoids treatment pills and creams as a way to treat hemorrhoid and avoid injections, rubber band ligation and hemorrhoids removal surgery.
(The abundance of nerves explains why anal fissures are so painful.) The hairless, gland-less, extremely sensitive anoderm continues for the entire length of the anal canal until it meets the demarcating line for the rectum, called the dentate line. (The rectum is the distal 15 cm of the...
Hemorrhoid surgery during pregnancy is generally avoided unless absolutely necessary. Surgical interventions are usually reserved for severe cases that do not respond to conservative treatments. The risks associated with surgery, as well as the potential impact on the pregnancy, need to be carefully cons...
If your hemorrhoids are very painful or aren't getting better after you've tried treating them yourself, let your doctor know. Diagnosis and Tests Your doctor will look at your bottom. They may put a lubricated gloved finger or an instrument inside your anus. An anoscope is a hollow, ligh...
Recovery from DGHAL is usually quicker and less painful compared to traditional hemorrhoidectomy. Patients may experience mild discomfort, bleeding, and a feeling of fullness in the rectum. The surgeon may recommend dietary modifications, pain management strategies, and adequate hydration to facilitate ...
I have what I belive is an prolapsed internal hemorrhoid. Its pretty large, about an inch long, 1/2 wide. Its going on day 5. Pain is less, but still there.