Once you reach level 80, you can unlock all Heroic difficulties in all dungeons, including Heroic. After that, all you have to do is polish your gear. Because equipment is one of the factors that determines whether you can complete a dungeon efficiently. And the improvement of equipment can...
I was interviewed on the Podcast series TGFx where I talk about how Seth Godin so instrumentally influenced the business which Martyn and I put together when developing the Hong Kong Visa Centre business model. You can listen to the 20 minute session here. This is how Stefan Lubinski, the ...
Teenagers are at the greatest point of change in life, and that makes for fascinating characters to explore. Throw someone who is growing and changing and forming their identity into challenging circumstances and watch the magic happen. Many adults are quite set in their ways. Teens are more li...
Tanya Roberts’ stunt double being a grizzly old man, the multiple blimps, racehorses, the robot dog, and of course, the butterflies. Plus, Gourley & June’s Wigdar shines during audience Q&A, and we hear from the person who reviews A View To a Kill every year in another edition of ...
Easily the winner of the year was the 5th John McClane movie….A Good Day To Die Hard. A Good Day To Die Hard ranks with Indiana Jones and the Crystal Kingdom as the worst sequels to great movies in the history of movies. I am a huge Bruce Willis fan, so it pains me to say ...
s original ending was arguably truer to life, and more in line with the sort ofTwilight Zoneironic twist endings he’s becoming known for. As first conceived, the police would show up right as Chris is strangling Rose (Allison Williams) and then arrest him. Rod visits Chris in prison, ...
You don’t have to travel to Europe to see a castle: There’s one along the Connecticut River Loop. Passing through the iconic New England towns of Essex and Old Lyme, this 32-mile loop boasts a 20th-century castle. TheGillette Castle, built between 1914 and 1919, was originally owned ...
can rev up the metabolism, butstudy findings presented at the Experimental Biology meeting in Anaheim, California, showed similar weight loss potential in dihydrocapsiate (DCT), the non-spicy cousin of hot peppers. Participants who ate the most DCT experienced a metabolic boost that was nearly do...
Passing through the iconic New England towns of Essex and Old Lyme, this 32-mile loop boasts a 20th-century castle. The Gillette Castle, built between 1914 and 1919, was originally owned by actor William Hooker Gillette, most notable for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. Delaware: Brandywine ...
Last night did you notice how big and beautiful the moon was? I hope you got a chance to outside and bask in it, 98% full is pretty bright so imagine how gorgeous she will be tonight as she rises as not only a full moon but a Super Full Strawberry Moon. ...