In the Chapter 2 mission “A Fisher of Men,” Arthur decides to takeJack Marston, John’s 4 year old son, on a fishing trip. While the fishing starts off peacefully, introducing the mechanic and showing a softer side of the game’s protagonist, it takes a turn when Agent Milton and A...
due to the incident in Blackwater that put a Dead or Alive bounty on Arthur Morgan's head. As such, players can't visit the region of the original game untilthe epilogue ofRDR2, which is around four years before John Marston finds himself helping out at the Ranch. Much of the buildings...
Hsin : I don't know how to describe it but it was a rough old man's who seems to have a Frog in his throat Wade Heston : Steve Haines' voice Lester : A punk teenager who has a frog in his throat Edited January 9, 2021 by DR:BUSTA Dr Busta Members Joined: 08/05/2016 St...
” but that oversimplification wasn’t such a bad thing. The game captured the criminal lifestyle of its era just like theGTAgames before it, as well as the toll that sort of lifestyle takes on those who lived it. This was showcased in many facets: in protagonist John Marston’s titular...
Considering she would’ve needed a new way to support herself and Jack, Abigail may have gone back to her old ways after John’s death. With a lack of knowledge concerning proper hygiene, it was common for sex workers in the early twentieth century to suffer from a variety of sexually tr...
Will There Be A Physical Copy Of RDR On Switch? As was the case with the previous major Switch port of Rockstar titles, like the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy, a physical copy will release later in the year. This physical copy is coming on October 13, but it is unclear what ...
In June 2020, modder and game developer jedijosh920 recreated the entire introduction and first mission where players were first introduced to John Marston as he departed Blackwater, heading to Armadillo to confront Bill Williamson and his gang. The fan response to this was extremely positive, ...