How old was Queen Mary I when she became queen? How old was Queen Victoria when her mother died? How old was Queen Elizabeth II when her father died? How old was Abraham Lincoln when his mother died? How old was Anne Sullivan when her mom died?
How old was Queen Elizabeth I when she became queen? How old was Anne Hathaway when she married William Shakespeare? How old was Henry Hudson when he got married? How old was Charles Darwin when he got married? Who was King Leonidas' wife?
Queen Elizabeth II wasn't told details of her long-time art adviser's double life as a Soviet spy because palace officials didn't want to add to her worries, newly declassified documents reveal. The files about royal art historian Anthony Blunt are among a trove from the intelligence agency...
Queen Elizabeth IIdied in 2022at the age of 96. Blunt was publicly unmasked as a spy by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the House of Commons in November 1979. He was finally stripped of his knighthood, but never prosecuted, and died in 1983 at the age of 75. Files held b...
Video-sharing sites are so popular that even Britain's Queen Elizabeth II used the forum to post her Christmas message © Alessandro Abbonizio/AFP/Getty Images Video hosting services is a fancy name for video-sharing Web sites like YouTube, MetaCafe, and more than 60 others...
Was it: a) cholera? b) polio? or c) smallpox? Neil I'm going to say c) smallpox. Sam OK, I’ll reveal the answer at the end of the program. Neil Of course, the idea that the pandemic might not be ending isn’t something people w...
Queen Elizabeth I: Elizabeth I was Queen of England from 1558 until 1603. During this time, she oversaw the formation of England's Golden Age, marked by artistic, economic, and technological innovations as England finally entered into its Renaissance. ...
The royal couple's love story had a romantic beginning but their relationship was rattled by her early ascension to the throne five years into their marriage.
Barely 20 years of age, Charles, a student of anthropology and archeology at the University of Cambridge, was officially given the title by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II during a coronation ceremony at Caernarfon Castle, Gwynedd in July 1969. ...
How old was Martha Jefferson when her mother died? How old was Catherine of Aragon when she became queen? How old was Pocahontas when she died? What is Sacagawea's last name? How old was Pocahontas when she met John? How old was Elizabeth Blackwell when she moved to America?