Dove Camerontook to social media on Thursday night to express her thoughts about the dark side media. The 22-year-oldDescendantsactress' comments, made via a series of selfie videos on her Instagram Stories feed, come amid what several polls carried out in recent years show to ...
with her first major role, in 1943's "Happy Land," coming when she was only 4 years old. It's safe to say this was not her biggest role, however, as her adult years were filled with timeless roles including Maria from "West Side Story" and Judy...
Cameron Boyce inDescendants.Bob D'Amico/Disney Channel Cameron Boyce’s Mother Calls Her Late Son ‘My Compass’ 2 Weeks After His Death In an exclusive statement to PEOPLE, his parents, Victor and Libby, said he was the “rock” of their family and their “shooting star.” ...