I am increasingly inclined to surmise that we presently find ourselves in a time of “interregnum”—when the old ways of doing things no longer work, the old learned or inherited modes of life are no longer suitable for the current conditio humana, but when the new ways of tackling the c...
The engagement was woefully underfunded and got off to a rocky start as the handoff from Sales to professional services was not as thorough as it should have been resulting in AWS professional services staffing the project with resources that did not have the right skill set. A couple weeks in...
It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and a little inundated by the influx of information when first beginning your spiritual journey. My advice is to go slowly, be gentle, and go at your own pace. You don’t need to know every tiny detail of every field of wisdom ever created. (I know i...
I was not responsible for what they got. Attachment to Results of Action and self When I was a student in computer science, my advisor had his first baby. At that time, I had a three year old child. In my house, we had an electric swing that I had bought for the child when he ...
Many religions symbolize this reality with archetypal stories. Two famous examples include the case of Jesus, who had to face Satan in the desert, and Buddha’s encounter with Mara (the Buddhist Satan) before hisspiritual awakening. When I write about embracing or integrating your Shadow Self, ...
householder to often learn about the dharma on their own. Unlike some 2500 years ago when the Buddha taught the dharma, we now have multiple ways to accomplish this. In the Buddha’s time, the dharma was passed along as lectures as this was prior to any of the dharma being written down...
It was while I was in the trenches, in the dark on my back when I was begging for just that earthquake. But it was then that I realized that while I was there, the stars were shining their brightest on me. This was something that struck me deeply. I realized that I was focusing ...
When Jesus was hanging on the cross in incredible pain, yet exhibited the compassion to forgive his tormentors by saying, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do," this selfless behavior was a bit of evidence that he had truly opened up the chi channels and chakra in his...
My intention was clear: I wanted to get in contact with my spirit guide –if there even was such a thing. Going into the experience with a mind half open and half closed, I journeyed inwards through dancing patterns, kaleidoscopic images, and other wild scenes. ...
shook his head and flailed his arms around in disgust. He walked back into the light to join the others.I was telling myself, 'I don't know about this. This doesn't look right to me.' The light was a brilliant white.It got so bright I could not see the light Beings, only the...