Portuguese (brazil) Sua mãe é uma puta Your mother is a bitch Portuguese (brazil) Cadela Bitch Portuguese (brazil) Rapariga Bitch Portuguese (brazil) Rapariga velha Old bitch Portuguese (brazil) Fi de rapariga!! Son of a bitch!! Portuguese...
Although we shared values, we didn’t share history with each others’ children. We each brought our traditions and expectations to bear. When I recently chose to divorce this man who had played “grandpa” to my children’s children, old wounds surfaced. Had I known that to leave him me...
We have a litter of 2 week old kittens. They all look like boys to me, but I want to be sure. We have one black, one grey tabby, and 2 Orange. Mama is a calico. Can you help me determine gender on all 4? Sarah Q. Reply Ross 08/06/2018 at 9:19 am Hi Sarah If yo...
how much do you know how much is his annua how much is the doggi how much love can be how much money is eno how much sleep do we how much the little b how much to say how much tv how much tv is faked how no one but she al how noble you insist how old assurance how readers...
How Crazy wa kat ta yo u ni a ta si no ko to ha na su no ha ya me te yo How Crazy hu ka i u mi ni si zu n de yu ku hu ne ka ra ni ge te ki ta no yu me ni Love Love Love i tu mo jyu n jyo u jya i ra re na i How Crazy tu me ta i gi ta- mo i...
I have a 4 year old as well, and trying to juggle both of them with their age gap, seems impossible. It’s very hard to handle when my 4 year old is well behaved majority of the time, and then sees and hears his big brother acting up. It’s hard! I feel the disresp...
Holding a scrawny, tough old rooster carcass… And bound and determined that it was going in the pot. The key with any cut of tough meat is long, slow, and moist cooking. Although older birds are not ideal for roasting or frying, they make fabulous soups and stocks. How to Cook an ...
She is 20 years old. Because of her illness and surgeries and hospitalizations through most of her life, especially during high school, we’ve always been very close. Luckily she was able to get access to a life changing medication that changed the course of her illness at the end of ...
Today is Kid A’sNINETEENTHbirthday, but I’ve been incorrectly telling people for about six months now that she was going to turn 20 this year, and who can believe where the time has gone, and I’m too young to have a kid that old, and wasn’t she just a little baby a minute ...
If love is a universal language, and "I love you" is the most important thing to say, how will you tell the world how you feel? Here are more than 165 ways to say "I love you" in different languages.