What is the difference between walking gait and running gait? When you walk, there’s no high-impact involved. While walking your foot is always going to land on the heel, and that’s normal. However, your running gait is a completely different pattern of limb movements than walking. With...
To grow muscle, find yourone repetition maximum(1RM), the heaviest weight you can lift without losingproper form.3If you can easily do three sets of 10 repetitions, or reps, you’re not at your 1RM. Consulting with apersonal trainercan help you find your 1RM. As your strength improves a...
But they provoke sharing, and were ultimately seen by many many more people than a tame ad would have been. The internet is a hungry beast that needs material: FB and Twitter don’t feed themselves. Armed with data that shows a direct correlation between chatter about products and sales spi...