How Old Is the Old-Time Religion?Collin Hansen
The “Christ” of Christianity may have just been another celestial god. There are a number of similarities between various pagan/mystery cult gods and Christianity. These are some of them.The birth date of most of the sun gods is December 25. It's the date of the winter solstice and the...
Christmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born, who is the son of God in Christianity. People in the western world celebrate and worship this day in his honor. The Santa Clauswill come out and sendpresents for children. Christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. Maybe t...
Christianity has its origins in the Old Testament, which prophesied hundreds of times of a Coming Redeemer or Messiah. Shortly after the death and resurrection of Jesus were His followers first called Christians. Basic Christian Beliefs Christians believe in one God – the God of the Old and New...
Brian: Well, to put it briefly, he’s super interested in the history of debt and debt forgiveness, right? Nathan: Yeah. Dr. Hudson is the one who is the origin of this idea that Christianity has a financial dimension to it. And that is to say that the sin and the salvation, and...
free of. And you know, you can even see where it overlaps to some extent with our tendency to buy into various fairly outlandish religious beliefs that have been normalized, and now we're like, oh yeah, sure, but there's a way that Scientology is no more weird, say than Christianity....
At least for a while. Emperor Constantine, a convert to Christianity, was concerned about ongoing worship of the sun and sun gods. So he changed the name of “Sunday” to “dominicus,” literally “the Lord’s Day.” He decreed that it should be the first day of the week, and a da...
The wise, old pastor, who had watched this young man during the past few years struggle with other Christians around him, looked the young man straight in the eye and said, “Young man, what you need to be first of all is a ‘submissionary.’ Before you can go on a mission, you ...
He is also God.In the Old Testament there were three primary offices instituted by anointing. Prophets were anointed, as a sign of their appointment to speak on God’s behalf to the people. Priests were anointed, as a sign of their role in offering sacrifices to maintain fellowship between ...
What is left out of “nothing” in “be careful for nothing?” What is left out of “everything” in “but in everything?” Christianity is: the process of replacing bad habits with good habits and developing more good habits, all of which you work to continue doing continually with ...