Spider-Man: Homecomingdiffers from previous iterations of the web-slinging hero because it skips over much of Peter Parker's known origin story - when he's introduced inCivil War, hisUncle Ben has already passed away(and isn't explicitly mentioned or depicted inHomecoming) and he's already r...
Critics Consensus: Spider-Man: Homecoming does whatever a second reboot can, delivering a colorful, fun adventure that fits snugly in the sprawling MCU without getting bogged down in franchise-building. Synopsis: Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, young Peter Parker returns home to live...
A little loose in its plotting (an entire war is basically crammed into a montage) but Chris Evans’ Captain America may be the most successful translation of a character in the entire MCU. This film took a hero that was eternally dogged by criticism that he was bland or old-fashioned, ...
In ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’, Tony Stark is 46 years old After a brief adventure in the middle of the Avengers dispute, it was time for Peter Parker to return home and be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man once again. Tony decided to keep an eye on him and ensure Peter did not land...
Nick Vega
Is it as great as the previous two films? No. But did it still set a standard for Spider-Man? Absolutely. In Spider-Man 3, audiences got to see a darker side of the iconic hero thanks to the introduction of Venom. Everything we knew about Peter Parker was thrown out the window. An...
Since 2014, I’ve been talking about bitcoin here (read: Is Bitcoin The Next Open-source Software Revolution?, ... Keep Reading infeaturedquotessilly 25 (More) Funny Computer Quotes October 31, 2019-No comments I have been reading some of my old posts here and noticed one that is still...
4. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s Spiders-Men both spent time in high school, but Homecoming is the first Spidey film that also really feels like a high school movie, as Tom Holland’s Peter Parker struggles to balance his meager social calendar with his...
Spider-Man: Homecoming High-school student Peter Parker returns home after helping Iron Man fight Captain America inCaptain America: Civil War, and ends up battling with a villain wielding refurbished Chitauri technology salvaged after the battle inThe Avengers. Initially mentored by Tony Stark, Peter...
Can The MCU's Villain Formula Change In Phase 4? IfSpider-Man: No Way Homeproves anything, it proves that Marvel is more than willing to shake up the MCU's formula. Peter Parker trying out new looks with newSpider-Man suits inNo Way Homeis the perfect visual representation of the way ...