"Reputations" Pablo Escobar: How Cocaine Conquered a Country (TV Episode 1995) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
When cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar was shot dead in 1993, the four hippos he brought to his private zoo in Colombia were left behind in a pond on his ranch. Since then, their numbers have grown to an estimated 80-100, and the giant herbivores have made their way into the country...
The story of Colombia's hippos starts in Villa Napoles, the former estate of Pablo Escobar, who in his heyday had four hippos smuggled there for his private zoo. Escobar's ranch housed hundreds of exotic animals including rhinos, elephants and giraffes. By the 1980s, his cocaine emp...
Samantha LeeAmanda MaciasChristopher Woody
doi:10.1080/02109395.2014.965455Bravo-Valdivieso, LuisEscobar, José-PabloRoutledgeEstudios de Psicología
Luis Bravo-ValdiviesoPontificia Universidad Católica de ChileJosé-Pablo EscobarPontificia Universidad Católica de ChileEstudios de Psicología: Studies in Psychology