SEE ALSO: 'Nimona' review: A deeply wonderful, deeply queer fantasy adventure "The graphics or look of [Nimona] is throwing a nod to the graphic novel, this idea of medieval and future. We're doing a CG movie, but keeping a traditional execution style," Nimona director Troy Quane told...
Right off the bat, it's easy to be struck by the specificity and uniqueness of the world Walker creates on screen. It's fully developed with a personality and an edge, wholly true to the incessant drinking culture the youth of the United Kingdom is known for. It feels unique because th...
While most of the movie was not shot at the national park, the production team found other nearby locations, such as the Yingling Farm and Cashtown Inn, to ensure authenticity and capture the essence of the historic battle. Unlike many other historical war films, the cast and crew ofGettysbu...
’s face is flush with pleasure and power as she launches into the air with her new-found sisters. but what message does the film send in equating female liberation with some of the vile acts perpetrated by this particular coven? nimona author noelle stevenson tweeted her displeasure: “very...