河边的小蝌蚪 - Madara Uchiha (A REAL HORROR $HOW)猜你喜欢 金手指-蜡笔小新广志一家搭车笑死 两大男团与动漫的碰撞-火影忍者博人传:鸣人教博人螺旋手里剑,学习速度比他爸强多了! 飞少-星空字幕/熟肉-泽塔奥特曼格斗 碎碎念-【穿越时空的思念】 毅华公子-破茧 最美阿拉蕾-是七叔呢《踏山河》,风卷残骑裂甲...
When some function is invoked, scope chain consists of more than one object. You might expect that if function is called from top-level code, then scope chain is guaranteed to contain exactly 2 scope objects, but this is not necessarily true! There might be 2 or more scope objects; it ...
河边的小蝌蚪 - Madara Uchiha (A REAL HORROR $HOW)