“Reunion is an old-fashioned thriller that I hope feels like a classic ’70s American thriller but for the present day,” signs William “Billy” Mager as we are seated in an office in Sheffield, just around the corner from the set of the four-episode series for BBC One and BBC iPlaye...
Dopamine is well recognized as a neurotransmitter in the brain, and regulates critical functions in a variety of peripheral systems. Growing research has also shown that dopamine acts as an important regulator of immune function. Many immune cells express dopamine receptors and other dopamine related ...
However, a fairly consistent finding across different countries is that old age, socioeconomic disadvantage and female gender are all associated with propensity to misuse benzodiazepines [4,13,19,22,44]. Some studies of short-term versus long-term users of benzodiazepines have been conducted with ...
The HIV reservoir is defined as the viral genomes integrated into the DNA of host cells (proviruses) [5,6,7] that propagate the recrudescence of viremia upon cessation of ART [5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. Achieving HIV remission without ART necessitates the detailed characterization of HIV ...