"Cuphead" is primarily known for two things: its gorgeous animation style and itsincredibly difficult boss fights. These two aspects are the main reasons it was considered one of thebest games of 2017and even one ofthe best PC games of all time. The game's 2022 DLC, "Cuphead: The Deli...
Cupheadis another game known for being particularly rage-quit inducing.The bossesare intricately designed and very challenging, with tons of cartoony projectiles and multiple phases that will make players ask, "Wait, there's more?" There is, especially when it comes to taking onKing Dice. The ...
Thefairy tale of Cupheadand its developer Studio MDHR continued this week as the debut game from a debut studiowon three major awardsat the prestigiousDICE Awardsin Las Vegas. Maja Moldenhauer humbly said on stage during a talk that she didn’t know what she could teach veteran game develope...