Lamar SalterPaul SzoldraJeremy Bender
When I recently chose to divorce this man who had played “grandpa” to my children’s children, old wounds surfaced. Had I known that to leave him meant I would lose my only local family, I probably would have stayed for the sake of the grandchildren. It’s that old programming baby...
Chinese netizens have tried to use nicknames to mock Kim Jong-un's corpulence in Chinese social media, which caused the prohibition of the flow of certain words online. Although prohibited, Chinese social media users have seemingly found a way to talk about North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ...
Rogen and Goldberg initially conceived of the film as about North Korea's former leader, Kim Jong Il, who died in late 2011. Goldberg says they did "a big old search" of the world's dictators, settling on North Korea because its bizarreness, he said, was rife for comedy. There are pr...
Kim: Yeah, we got along really well! Chris: I just knew youd like him. Kim: Yeah, I do, and hes really funny. He had me laughi ng hysterically duri ng di nn er. I thi nk the people sitti ng n ext to us in the restaura nt thought we were crazy. Chris: So, are you two...
j:yes,please.thisisjeff.wouldyoutellherthattonyishavingapartyonsaturday?a:unhuh.j:andwouldyouaskherifshedliketogowithme?a:allright,peter.illgiveherthemes 30、sage.j:no,thisisjeff,notpeter。a:oh,imsorry.j:bytheway,whospeter?bsophia:hi!imhome!a:oh,hi.s:didanyonecall?a:uh-huh。yourold...
rampant ageism against women in music, which has impacted how she has been perceived and treated. However, the woman who broke barriers and created boundary-pushing music believes the mostcontroversial thing she has doneis stick around when the music industry would otherwise consider her too old....
Make sure no granules are visible, which will settle at the bottom of your jar/lid if they’re still undissolved. Drink the mixture quickly, within a few minutes if possible. (Under five minutes is the goal.) Since it doesn’t taste great (it’s very salty!), you will probably want...
‘An old soldier in a blanketwas distributingcups among drinkers.’ (St. Żeromski. Popioły. 1904) General-factual: practically identical to the function of the experiential perfect, known from typological studies. The speaker states that, or asks whether, a situation occurred at least once;...
I always thought of myself as more American than Americans when I was living in Germany, because I always had this attitude of can-do, and if you're successful, you can show it, which is a very un-German thing, you know. — Kim Dotcom 63 I am going to tell you what nature be...