Okabe, Edward Elrich and Killua have also been consistently popular as well as Lelouche but I do think Lelouche is a bit more popular this time around than LAST TIME…I think… Again, I have no clue why that would be but I did watch Code Geass between the two posts so maybe other ...
Gon’s search for his father continues, taking him and Killua down a dangerous path toward an enemy that’s unlike anything they’ve faced before. Attack on TitanAvailable to rent or buy From the director ofDeath NotecomesAttack on Titan.Many years ago, humanity was forced to retreat behind...
When it comes to creating anime characters, the head and face is arguably one of the most important areas to get right. In the following tutorials, we’ll practice how to correctly place the facial features and draw an anime face from different angles. ...
Perfomance might be an issue, but my own device is somewaht old to do a fair evaluation. 8 months ago Tinker Steps:Switch to experimental, Set launch options DXVK_ASYNC=1 VKD3D_FEATURE_LEVEL=12_0 PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=100 mesa_glthread=true WINEDEBUG=-all __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATION=1 PROTO...
array('name'=>'killua','age'=>30),array('name'=>'Lawliet','age'=>10), array('name'=>'mikado ryugamine','age'=>15), array('name'=>'pikachu','age'=>50)); ?> When I make tutorials like this, I see to it that I don’t make much effort on naming things. Just like that...