Storywise, the events of Dragon Ball GT began around five years after the conclusion of Dragon Ball Z and showed a physically 42-year-old but mentally 49-year-old Goku returning from his completion of Uub’s (good reincarnation of Kid Buu) training. However, his physical makeup as a 42-...
Japanese curry is usually served with white short grain rice (gohan), topped with a deep fried pork cutlet (katsu curry), stuffed in deep fried buns (kare pan), or added as a topping to ramen orudon (kare udon). The flavor is typically mild, close to a demi-glace, since most Japane...
Dragon Ball GTbegins a few years after the events ofDragon Ball Zwhen Goku leaves with Uub — the good reincarnation of Kid Buu — so that both train together. Once Goku realizes that the boy is ready, he calls the training off and plans his return home. The first saga begins when Emp...