Offen「おいくつですか」is written with hiragana.If you use kanji in the same polite way, you can say 「何歳(なんさい)になられましたか」,but this is a little unnatural.@
How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese Introduce Yourself! How to Give a Real Jikoshoukai in Japanese 10 Common Japanese Insults and Curse Words Build Your Japanese Fluency With These Phrases
Cool Kanji –爺– Updated Posted onAugust 21, 2012 I think I probably knew this kanji before, but in its grandfatherly お爺さん form; on its own, the pronunciation is じじい (which I discovered thanks to furigana in the book I was reading), and it means dirty old man. For whatever...
Since the site is entirely in Japanese (without furigana for the kanji), it may be daunting for beginners to navigate. But if you feel like you can already move past the likes ofNHK News Web Easy, TV Asahi’s site may give you the news fix you’re looking for. Oh, and you can do...
–The kanji of the year is 税 (zei, tax). Boring, but topical. Read morehere. The only thingI could think ofwasMizuki Ichiroyelling ゼーット! on Gaki no Tsukai’s 笑ってはいけない罰ゲーム. I believe his first appearance was the police-themed 2006 show, but he showed up in a ...
It should not be understood as part of the pronunciation of the kanji.The notation ́1RWHMLJLμ that appears at the end of a few entries signifies that a character is of Japanese invention (MLJL⫿佑). The Hanyu Pinyin readings given for such characters are actually makeshift, in ...
Interestingly, the kanji forofukuro(お袋) literally translates to ‘honorable bag’. Its origins are unclear, but nowadays, the word is typically written in hiragana. So many words for mother in Japanese! As you can see, there are many ways to say mother or mom in Japanese!
As you learn more Japanese, the distinction between 'on' (音) readings and 'kun' (訓) readings of kanji will become important. In general, on readings are used when a kanji is met in a word with other kanji, and kun readings are used when the kanji is combined with hiragana. In gen...
As you may have noticed,chichiconsists of only the kanji for father (父), missing any polite or honorific markers unlikeotousan, which makes this a humble term. This is also the word that adults use when they talk about their father to somebody else. Keep in mind that it is not polite...
I'm learning that nomatterhowoldyouare,awillingspiritiscapableofanything. 妈妈使我逐渐地明白了一个道理:一个人不管有多老,心甘情愿的精神能够成就一切; 6. Kanjialsohavedifferentpronounciationsdependingon where they areintheword,howoldyouare,andwhatdayitis. ...