Narutois arguably the most popular Japanese animation in history, with over 700 episodes in its 15-year-old run. With its unmatched history and widespread impact on pop culture, it’s no surprise you can create it inInfinite Craft, though the recipe itself is a bit ...
has a long and complicated past, with a lot of ups and downs. But most people know him as the old man in the wheelchair, working to promote peace between mutants and the society that discriminates against them, protect the mutants from humans who would wish to do harm...
Naruto and Kakashi. Sakura is a polarizing character; some love her to death while others despise the hell out of her (i.e. she’s kind of useless at times). Although to be fair, she’s a lot better in Shippuden. But make no mistake, everyone knows who Sakura is. So she’s a ...