because statistics and surveys change from year to year. Plus many people feel that being rare is the equivalent of being “best.” Today we’re going to take a look at the rarest MBTI® (Myers-Briggs) personality types as taken from a national sample of 16,773 individuals ...
When you’re relying solely on your extraverted functions, it’s easy to get swept up in excitement or a rush of ideas without stopping to reflect or assess.Even as an ESFJ you still have an introverted side; nobody is a pure introvert or extrovert. When you ignore any particular side ...
Major League Baseball is a sport that celebrates its history through, among other things, its records. So when you break a 60-year old mark, people take notice. But when it's for the most losses in a season, that's not the kind of attention you ever want for your franchise. That is...
Major League Baseball is a sport that celebrates its history through, among other things, its records. So when you break a 60-year old mark, people take notice. But when it's for the most losses in a season, that's not the kind of attention you ever want for your franchise. That is...
Instead, this is the type of mission that needs to become a habit for you to do.Some people clear out their purse daily, usually in the evening. When you do it this often we're talking 30 seconds or less, as you just glance in it and throw out that old grocery list once you've...
Lisa Myers says: October 16, 2020 at Do you have to use whole kernel feed corn or can you use cracked corn? Reply Jessica Fisher says: October 21, 2020 at I have only used whole kernel. In the instances when the corn got really old it ended up cracking and tearing holes in ...
“Blunt is beautiful.”—David Falk, founder and CEO, Falk Associates Management Enterprises Inc. “You have to be hard on issues, but you don’t have to be hard on people.”—Joyce Roché, board member,AT&T,Macy’s,andTupperware Brands ...
Santa Claus is finishing up his final touches on all the toys & presents at the North Pole and the elves are packing his sleigh. The big guy is about to take flight with Rudolph leading the way, and you can track his entire trip thanks once again to NORAD....
If an old dishwasher is being used, the 115°F hot water to the the washer can be more than compensated for with a judicious choice of soap, preferably a soap containing an appropriate detergent for the job, and a soap that contains a suitable surfactant. The U.S. manufacturers of hot ...
You can also discover more about the INFJ personality type in my eBook,The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic. Other Articles You Might Enjoy: Quiz: Find Your Ideal Partner’s Personality Type The Most to Least Affectionate Myers-Briggs® Personality Types, Ranked ENFPINFJ,MBTI,Myers Briggs...