Zuri Ferguson, a 17-year-old from Attleboro, competed in her first Olympic games for Trinidad and Tobago. She wasn’t able to make it past her heat in the 100-meter backstroke. Jayla Pina, a 20-year-old from Seekonk, participated in the women’s 200-meter individual medley for Cape Ve...
In Humbert Humbert’s version of the kiss, 12-year-old Lolita is the instigator of the kiss. But can we really trust his version of events? ALERT: Yes, your kissing scenes will be brilliant now, but what about the rest of your story? Get amazing guidance on how to write a novel, ...
“I just love when I’m with you, yeah this shit is on ten…,” and reflection on his past as a regular dude trying to make it, even at the expense of losing old friends like Mazin Elsadig, another Degrassi actor with whom Drake created a web series called “Us...
"My mother-in-law is 86 years old," Kendra said. "We were concerned where the babysitter was living, who she was living with, was she still gonna go out and hang with multiple people?" In Florida, siblings Jayla, Jeremiah, and Jayce — their last name is being withheld to protect th...
Old Dominion Ole Miss Penn Penn State Pittsburgh Princeton Providence Quinnipiac Rhode Island Richmond Rider Rutgers San Diego State Siena South Carolina South Florida Southern Illinois St. Francis St. John's St. Joseph's St. Mary's (CA) ...
Jayla made 20 muffins. She put them into 3 boxes and has two muffins left. How many are in each box if they all contain the same amount of muffins? At a carnival, each ride costs $1.50. However, a dozen ride tickets can be bought for $15...
Old MacDonald has 100 chickens and goats in the barnyard. Altogether, there are 268 feet. How many chickens and how many goats are in the barnyard? What equation could you use to solve this problem? Three apples and twice as ma...