The Knack ...and How to Get It: Directed by Richard Lester. With Rita Tushingham, Ray Brooks, Michael Crawford, Donal Donnelly. A young school teacher tries to master the art of flirtation using his neighbor's skills.
“I had a moment with a little boy, he was 16 years old and he had admitted in a question that he was gay and for me as a South African that is such a huge step,” says Theron. “When you see things like that you realize on a whole you are changing this kind of idea of wha...
After thanking GLAAD for the honor, Halsey — who isdating28-year-old rapperG-Eazy— used the rest of the video to advocate for homeless youth services. “It’s estimated that up to 40 percent of homeless youth are minors who are part of the LGBT community,” she said. “Many of them...