Next:How Old Is Jack Marston At The End Of Red Dead Redemption
Hsin - a wailing old man voice with throat cancer Wade - low pitched, as if he's always murmuring something under his nose, with a deadpan emotionless accent Lester - stereotype fat man voice Xin - like an asian Jack Marston from RDR Wannted Reneggade, Mindshower, MrPikmin16 and ...
In the Chapter 2 mission “A Fisher of Men,” Arthur decides to takeJack Marston, John’s 4 year old son, on a fishing trip. While the fishing starts off peacefully, introducing the mechanic and showing a softer side of the game’s protagonist, it takes a turn when Agent Milton and A...
Abigail Marston was an important side character in both of theRed Dead Redemptiongames. Though her husband John Marston dies at the end of the originalRed Dead Redemption,Abigail and their son Jack manage to escape thePinkertons and government forces, leading players to believe that both of them...
In June 2020, modder and game developer jedijosh920 recreated the entire introduction and first mission where players were first introduced to John Marston as he departed Blackwater, heading to Armadillo to confront Bill Williamson and his gang. The fan response to this was extremely positive, ...