I do have a lot of great memories of girlfriends wearing pantyhose when we would go out on dates. I do believe that most of them had an inkling of my pantyhose fetish because I just couldn’t seem to keep my eyes and hands off their nylon encased legs! I have been happily ...
This kept her in a state of suspended animation for years, so by the time her ship found its way to Earth, baby Kal-El had grown into Superman, while Kara was still a 16-year-old girl. Despite being biologically younger than her cousin, chronologically speaking, if Kal aged around 30 ...
An ingenue is an innocent; a guileless girl-woman who has charm, physical appeal and general niceness but is unsullied by too much worldly knowledge.Ingenueshave been a mainstay character-type in film, literature and theatre for as long as these mediums have been around. They represent the...
He wouldn't be going home with the cutest girl in the bar, for sure, but he did have an inkling about what the future holds. His future looks a lot brighter than mine did at that age, and he (unlike the rest of his schoolmates at the bar that night) at least has the insight ...
“For example, in the past, you may have felt rejected, neglected or not loved in the way you desire, so you seek out what is called a 'corrective experience,' hoping they will fill the need that you have.” Of course, looking to someone else to heal old wounds almost never ends ...
When l was in 6th grade l had a crush on my 40 yr old teacher (who looked 26), and my sport couch who was 21 with the cutest face and hair #1 wish my teachers would had molested me i would had never told but would of had a best memory for life, Its my History prof. He ...
There’s an old joke that when scientist created the most powerful computer in the world, they asked it if there was a god. What is god, the computer asked? The scientists fed in a definition. After some calculations, the computer replied “there is now.” I tell the story of Hamilton...
With common conditions the diagnostic experience is akin to recognising an old friend; with rarer ones it’s more like meeting a celebrity. The secret to success is putting in the hours – and maybe a little bit of aptitude. You can learn to play a piano if you can learn to type, but...
“but this is the little assemblage of cases of stuffed birds and animals upon the Bladesover staircase grown enormous, and yonder as the corresponding thing to the Bladesover curios and porcelain is the Art Museume and there in the little observatories in Exhibition Road is old Sir Cuthbert...
Making it accessible, breaking down some of the barriers, like maybe I did in spirituality, maybe I did in some of the other brands that I’ve created is breaking that down so people that don’t normally want to talk about it will talk about it. One of my old Sun Bum reps put me...