Howard Phillips 'H.P.' Lovecraft was an American author who lived from 1890 to 1937. He spent most of his life in Providence, Rhode Island, except for about two years when he lived in New York City. Lovecraft had a large circle of other authors whom he encouraged and mentored, and so...
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One could go back even further to Chuck Berry and Elvis, who pushed many of the same outrage buttons for what constituted “clicks” in olden times. But as Perkins points out—shaking his head in disapproval, before cutting back to a...
The upcoming adventure/exploration game,Call Of The Sea, takes many cues from thehorror stories of Howard Philips Lovecraft– its early 20th century setting, supernatural mysteries, weird deep-sea life, and hints of a vast, alien cosmos where humanity is small and insignificant. While Lovecraft p...
Take the way he ramps up a scenario that will be familiar to any parent—the six-year-old who is emotionally unequipped to handle losing at games. CK gets at an even deeper truth about the howling injustice of being six, by saying that ...
The old grey matter goes way too far and “better safe than sorry” becomes “better safe thananything.” These rules lead to a lot of automatic thoughts which lead to galactic-sized landfills of fractally horrible feelings that’ll make HP Lovecraft seem like “Marley and Me.” ...
(half man, half lion, of course). It is a land in crisis – old hostilities between the three dominant societies are being stirred up, and dark forces seem to be gathering over the region. Of course, your task as the hero from abroad – the Beowulf of Shapeir – is to avert an ...
original to a writing by H.P. Lovecraft in 1926,The Call of Cthulhu. It features a man doing research into a world-wide, yet very unknown cult who are communicated with via dreams by a Great Old One- a giant monstrosity that came from 'beyond the stars' but is now under the Pacific...
“After all, you wouldn’t necessarily restore an old oil painting with acrylic paint. Even if you choose not to play the historical instruments, if you study them and how they work, it will modify your approach to make for a clear...
“The How to Make a Book” series is divided into eight separate videos. If you click play above, you can watch them all from start to finish.If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newsletter, please find it here. It’s a great way to...