BFRBrominated Flame Retardant BFRBody Fat Ratio(health statistic) BFRBiennial Flight Review(aviation) BFRBona Fide Request BFRBlood Flow Rate(dialysis) BFRBase Frequency Range(microelectronics) BFRBerliner Flug Ring(travel; Berlin, Germany) BFRBig Freakin Rocket(amateur rocketry) ...
The use of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of pets is connected with discharge directly into the environment. The estimation (load) of this source has never been presented and is hard to calculate; some may say that this is a minor part of the total mass of pharmaceuticals introduced into t...
I check in with the front desk and am taken back to some ER room at about 6am. Now, realize that I am SO embarrassed at this point. Everyone in there is looking at me like I am a freak. They even wrote on the ER board where they identify what is ailing a patient “CD, jalapen...
The skin is the interface between the organism and the external environment, acting as its first barrier. Thus, this organ is constantly challenged by physical stimuli such as UV and infrared radiation, visible light, and temperature as well as chemicals and pathogens. To counteract the deleterious...
Since room temperature is in between it's boiling point and freezing point, mercury exists as liquid state at room temperature. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 7 Question What is the use of mercury? Community Answer It's used in chemistry experiments. It was also used in old thermometers, because...