The Emerson family moves to a California beach town, but soon realize something is not quite right with their new surroundings. Young Sam Emerson (Corey Haim) is warned of the local vampire population by a pair of odd siblings known as the Frog brothers. The more vocal of the brothers, Ed...
Then 30-year-old actor David Burka first portrayed Scooter in season one of How I Met Your Mother in 2005. He continued to make guest appearances throughout the series' nine season run. Burka has been married to HIMYM star Neil Patrick Harris since 2014. Age: 49 Bir...
At 32 years old Neil Patrick Harris first suited-up for his role as Barney Stinson in How I Met Your Mother's first season premiering in 2005. He starred on the show for the next nine years, ending the series when he was 41. In 2014, Harris won a Tony Award ...
Suddenly, all my mind can come up with is that “I want to go to there” TikTok sound. So, What’s Bruno Mars’ Total Net Worth? According to Celebrity Net Worth, Bruno Mars’ net worth in 2023 is $175 million, a figure we can all agree is very well deserved—especially since...
Tampax's 1936 ad in the American Weekly said, "Your doctor will be the first to tell you that Tampax is the most natural and the most hygienic method of sanitary protection... accepted for advertising by the American Medical Association," and soon it became a hit. 1937: Old Spice ...
become 8x All-Star. Howard played for more than a decade and a half in the league and while doing so, he earned himself multiple accolades. It’s quite obvious he would have made a significant amount of money from the NBA. Today we will take ...
3-strand braid is so hot right now you see them everywhere, including all over the red carpets on Hollywood Stars. Here, Cara Delevingne’s celebrity hairstylist chooses a funky side classic braid that’s tight and close to her head to add a little bit of fun to her otherwise sleek runw...
Complete your experience at the Wings of Time by marking your presence at FUN Shop Beach Plaza, Good Old Days, and Show Bites. Click Here to Book the Tickets of Wings of Time b. iFly Singapore: Get a real flying experience like you might have never experienced before. IFly Singapore giv...
He saw Placido Domingo in Tokyo when he was with the Choir, and at 13 years old, knew he had to become an opera singer. He credits Dr. Walter J. Turnbull for so much of his success. "You have to walk boys to manhood." He went to Fiorello LaGuardia High School. Tyranny always ta...
Your January 2025 Monthly Horoscope Is Here Mars may be retrograde, but Uranus goes direct. By Sophie Saint Thomas Celebrity Kenzie Ziegler's 10-Minute Clean Face Makeup Routine Kenzie Ziegler shows her go-to look for her performances–even when she only has 10 minutes to put it on! From ...