Netanyahu turned much of the Israeli press into his personal fiefdom during his 12 years in power — with drastic consequences that resonate to this day.
But Netanyahu and Trump are often compared. Do you see any legitimate parallels? GIBNEY I think what you’re seeing in America now is very similar to Bibi in some crucial ways, where the immediate political solution is the exact of opposite of the long-term solution. If you want to whip...
Media manipulation with both harmful and benign intent is as old as media itself. E.g. convincing image manipulation has a long trajectory for art, but also non-consensual pornography (Burkell & Gosse, 2019) and disinformation, i.e. “false, inaccurate, or mis-leading information designed, ...
“I know I am one of the very few Jews around who is not terrified about Iran and its leader [Ahmadinejab]. Thanks to Chicken Little Bibi Netanyahu, who makes out like Iran is Hitler times 100, and manipulative bureaucrats like Abe Foxman and Malcolm Hoenlein, who are stuck in a time...
With out Paul bringing the Gospel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST to the pagan Gentiles, the Satanic Jews might have murdered every Christian Jew, leaving the Gospel defenseless in the Satanic face of this 2000 year old [and older] intense hatred of JESUS CHRIST[GOD]. Every TRUE BELIEVING CHRISTIA...
The so-called Chechen war of independence was a CIA-funded sectarian proxy war involving the “good” Al Qaeda Afghan Arab Mujihaddin, Wahabist veterans of the Soviet-Afghan War, supported by the mostly Jew Neocon friends of Chechnya — same old PNAC “friends” in moving in the Grand Chess...