Therein lies the return to wonder—to innocence. Yes, we still know what we know, but all that allows is for us to stop asking the same old questions—and find new ones. And I’ll be straight: that ain’t easy. Your reward (and I use that word with sincerity) for reaching the mo...
The BEST way to deal with a bully is to actually have a very calm and mature conversation with him or her. Ask these questions sincerely: “Why are you doing this to me?”, “Please tell me what I did in the past to provoke you?”, “Is there any way we can be cool and get ...
Some days the thoughts came like the masked terrorists, other times like gnarly trolls rising to the surface from swampy, smelly waters, leeches clinging to their noses — the old voices of critics from my childhood,“You’re too sensitive, too deep.”“Girls can’t do that”. “Whats the...