Ireland is renowned for its rich folklore, which is deeply rooted in Celtic mythology and traditions. Irish folklore includes tales of mythical creatures like leprechauns, banshees, and fairies. These stories are passed down through generations, captivating audiences with their whimsical and enchanting n...
How do you make a fairy garden to attract fairies? Invite fairies into your garden with a DIY fairy garden. If you make fairies and other magical creatures a garden (or space in your yard) to call home, they will bring you a little of their luck! Fairies are attracted to places that ...
If you don’t like (or trust) Google, I recommend a great resource called the Encyclopedia Of Spirits, The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods & Goddesses by Judika Illes. There’s a lot of great information in this hefty tome, and it will be somethin...
There’s a multitude of deck themes out there – angels, vampires, animals, fairies, mermaids, mythological tales, goddesses, voodoo,shamans, unicorns … you name it and you’ll probably find a deck related to it. I know this all may sound overwhelming (it most certainly was for me!). ...