DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
In order to get more ideas,you can “steal” elements from games, stories, movies or books you’ve readand re-skin them, to fit your story, or to give life to your world. Say, you can like the idea of “Smaug is controlling an old Dwarven keep”. You can reskin it to “Some b...
Lost Mine of Phandelverwas included with the previous edition of the D&D 5E starter set – now replaced by the excellentDragons of Stormwreck Isleadventure – but you can still find everything you need to play it for free on DnDBeyond (which, by the way, is fully supported for online pl...
Though, to be completely fair, humans are kind of predisposed to evil. Not as strongly as, say, orcs or goblins are, but they are. That’s why humans have to teach their kids to share and be polite and not to hit other children. Elves and dwarves probably don’t have to teach thei...
GamesBeat: So Sword Coast Legends itself is almost like an old-fashioned Forgotten Realms boxed set? You’ll have other material coming out that builds on that set in the future? Is this right? Tudge: Yeah, it’s pretty close. We’ve often talked about — we hope...
Once you’ve planted the seed, you need to fertilize it. And bulls#*$ makes the best fertilizer. You can’t run an encounter without dramatic question and you can’t build one without it either. Fortunately, the dramatic question is pretty easy to come up with. It might even be your ...
Everything you need to know to create a D&D character Dungeons and Dragons, also known as D&D, is a tabletop role-playing game in which you and your friends play as fantasy characters on a quest of your choosing. The first step in your...