18. Cholera is known to be a life-threatening disease which easily causes death of most of the patients. True ( ) False ( ) 19. Cholera typically occurs in areas near the sea or the river where contaminated food is a major source of the disease. True ( ) False ( ) Questions 20-21...
an "every man for himself" approach can have tremendous effects on public health. Keeping populations of a community free from viral disease rests in part on the success ofherd immunity. Herd immunity rests on the principle of safety in numbers; if more people are immune to a certain...
In epidemiologic studies, we use a measure of disease frequency to determine how often the disease or other health outcome of interest occurs in various subgroups of interest. We describe two basic types of measures of disease frequency in this chapter, namely, measures of incidence and measures ...
People with the disorder often abhor more than one physical feature, most commonly the skin, hair, nose and other body parts. So what are the behaviors of someone dealing with body dysmorphic disorder? BDD exhibits many obsessive-compulsive traits, and the next page will discuss the disorder ...
Acute Cholangitisrefers to the acute inflammation of the biliary system caused by bacterial infection, often accompanied by biliary obstruction. The main causes of obstruction are biliary stones, biliary malignancies and biliary s...
The four main types of diarrhea are: Osmotic diarrhea: Occurs when too much water is drawn into the bowels, often due to certain foods or sugar alcohols. Secretory diarrhea: Happens when the body secretes excess water into the intestines, often due to infections or certain medications. ...
Occasionally, bronchitis is caused by bacteria. If your healthcare provider believes this is the case, they may prescribe antibiotics to treat it at that time. More often, however,treating acute bronchitissimply means finding relief from the symptoms until the illness resolves.3 ...
Silica is a glassy material often used for insulation. Carbon Aerogel Insulation Material Unlike the smoky-blue silica aerogels, carbon-based ones are black and feel like charcoal to the touch. What they lack in looks, they make up for in high surface area and electrically conductive ...
This term is sometimes used to describe a diabetic emergency that happens if you develop severe hypoglycemia, or very low blood sugar. The term "insulin shock" is somewhat misleading because although it occurs most often in people who use insulin, you can also develop this problem if you use...
Although economies can and still do experience economic collapse, there is a strong incentive for national governments to attempt to stave off or lessen the severity of an economic collapse through fiscal and monetary policy. An economic collapse is often combated with several waves of interventions...