If Lupus impacts the lungs, the patient can catch pneumonia In the heart, lupus can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or result in a heart attack Even in well-managed cases, there is a risk that a serious complication can occur. Because of this, life insurance companies are resista...
Respiratory infections: Common cold, flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Allergies: Exposure to allergens like pollen, dust mites, pet dander, or mold. Asthma: Chronic inflammation of the airways leading to coughing episodes. Postnasal drip: Excess mucus dripping down the throat from the nasal passages...
This term is sometimes used to describe a diabetic emergency that happens if you develop severe hypoglycemia, or very low blood sugar. The term "insulin shock" is somewhat misleading because although it occurs most often in people who use insulin, you can also develop this problem if you use ...
Everyone is at risk of catching the flu, but those with a higher risk of developing severe flu-related complications are the elderly, young children, and those with certain health conditions. What are ways to prevent flu from spreading?
“Yes. But with water bottles, we often take them all over the place and don’t properly clean them.” You might rinse your bottle out, but if you don’t wash it properly as often as you should, you’d be surprised at what might be growing on the surface and on the inside. The...
How often is tetanus vaccination recommended for older adults? A) Yearly. B) Every 5 years. C) Every 15 years. D) Every 10 years. Vaccination: Vaccination is the process of using some weakened form of an antigen, a subunit of the an...
What is the most common cause of viral pneumonia? a. Rhinovirus b. influenza virus c. Haemophilus influenza d. Pneumococcus Why is it that each year, many people get a flu shot to protect themselves from the flu? Why give flu shots rather than "booster" injections? Why is last year'...
You’re more likely to get certain infections if you have HIV (the risk goes down if you take your HIV medications). These infections include: Viral infections such as herpes and shingles, treated with rest and antiviral meds Bacterial infections such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, treated with ...
either by negligence or design, but on the other, our world is run by psychopaths, and psychopaths lie, so it could just be the seasonal ‘flu and which can and always has killed the elderly and vulnerable, not that that excuses the malevolent neglect of the poor souls in the nursing ...
The two elderly people in the photo were seeing the doctor for free, as part of the free health checkups and medical consultation offered to local residents under the program. The mix-up shows that Zenz either does not understand the Chinese language or knows little about the basic situation ...