This is another affordable range of pee pads that uses carbon-activated technology to neutralize odors and leave your home smelling fresh. It uses five layers of absorption and a leak-proof protected layer to ensure that your puppy’s pee always stays on the pad. A quilted layer on top also...
When a puppy is growing and in the potty training process, it will need to be taken outside more often than an adult dog would. Aside from teaching them where they need to go each time they have the urge to go, is how much more a puppy will need to pee. As a dog ages, it wil...
Signs a Puppy Needs to Pee Every puppy is unique, so yours may follow some of these behaviors, but not others. Knowing the possibilities and learning which signals your puppy uses to tell you they need to go potty will help make training go more smoothly. When your puppy feels the urge ...
One of the most common is not cleaning up accidents quickly enough. This can leave residual poop or urine on the pee pad and soil the area. 1. Punishing Accidents Accidents are a common problem that dogs have when house-training, and they can be frustrating for both you and your puppy....
This should be placed in well-lit room that is commonly used by the family such as the kitchen or living room. • For bathroom needs when a Pug is home alone, if the puppy is in his pen, he will not purposefully pee or poo on his toys, water & food bowls or bed, so if the...
The color of both our urine and our feces can tell us how healthy or unhealthy we really are. For instance, when our pee is dark yellow, orange or honey-colored, we should be consuming more water. Although foam or fizz is normal, if your pee is frequently foamy it can be a sign of...
1. Set up a schedule and carefully supervise our puppy. When our puppy is out and about in a non-dog-proof area, we need to supervise him closely. Close supervision will give us the opportunity to teach puppy right from wrong, without too much damage to our furniture and belongings. ...
How often one should poop has been a hot topic, with experts saying the numerical range partly depends on several personal factors. But is there a similar prescription for how frequently you should pee? The answer is yes, experts say — and veering too far outside of this range ...
However, if you’re feeding your puppy a home-made, raw food diet, you might need to add supplements occasionally to make sure they get everything they need. There may also be times your vet advises you to do so. But if feeding raw, you should know more about nutrition than I ...
Sure, if your puppy is crying and you take him outside he will pee. Unfortunately, you’ll likely conclude that having to pee was the reason he was crying; then you’ll spend the next two months unnecessarily getting up at 2 am instead of sleeping through the night!