I like tech stocks, so I buy many of them. When they move up, I often buy more. When they move down, I sometimes buy more. I bought some more TSM today after it fell 7.5%. I like the company and what it’s doing for Apple. My overriding rule is if I like the stock and its...
In leadership, virtues are often emphasized over capabilities. While we can round off gaps in capabilities with the right combination of talent on a team, gaps in virtues can cause a project to fail or, worse, negatively impact the business. The Greek philosopher Aristotle explained virtues as ...
However, the country from which the information is requested is not obliged to provide the information if it is a violation of the law or public interest of that country. It is also not allowed to request information that is not publicly available in that country. It should be noted that ...
The dog, on the other hand, is all too thrilled to adjust to life as a morning dog. After only a couple days’ worth of early alarms, she’s turned into a Disney animal. Before the alarm has even thought of chiming, she’s nudging me awake. It is both irritating and adorable. “...
The main revenue stream is represented by product sales, in which is often included a pre-sales service related component. Thus, product-focused BMs do not change the incentive for companies to maximizes the product sales [7]. Therefore, through this BM type it is uncommon for companies to ...
Douglas fir is often seen as a promising silvicultural option. This is supported by the German Federation of Forest Research Institutes (DVFFA) [89], whereas the German Federal Agency for Nature Protection (BfN) classified Douglas fir as an invasive species resulting in recommendations for ...
Tim Ferrissarticles on Huffington Post The Tim Ferriss Showis oneof the most popular podcasts in the world with more than one billion downloads. It has been selected for "Best of Apple Podcasts" three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts,...
However, a strong affinity (micromolar to nanomolar range) is often obtained with multivalent interactions. Both carbohydrate-binding sites and ligands can be multivalent thanks to the branched structures of glycans or to the clustering of cell surface glycans or polysaccharides. Clustered carbohydrate-...
In the wider literature, land consumption by the rich is often related to the exhibition of wealth, prestige and status [16,19–21]. For example, Woods [21] suggests that some of the present-day rich emulate the rural lifestyles of the old aristocracy. Similarly, Brueckner et al. [6] ...
This is no surprise as it is an obvious characteristic of process-based and stochastic models. Less often mentioned were terms such as stable states and nonlinearity, with even fewer appearances of terms such as resilience, recovery and self-regulation. However, the relationship between the ...