It is often said that bushfires are a fact of life in Australia. While Australian communities will always be affected by the impacts of bushfires, there is an element of human involvement that makes at least some bushfires avoidable. In Australia more bushfires are started by deliberate ...
All this is a dangerous cocktail for theelectricity grid. Increasing temperatures puts a strain on supplies, while bushfire smoke can limit the electricity produced bysolar panels. And troublingly, heat waves and bushfires areset to worsen as climate change continues. Here, we explain the challen...
Often during a severe fire, high-intensity crown fires will occur, rapidly burning the canopy, while the soil organic layers may continue to burn over a longer period (Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002). Standard measures of fire severity include the depth of burned soil organic layers (Stocks et ...
Oysters are filter feeders, extracting nutrients from the water, so that makes them very susceptible to water pollution such as that from bushfires. We are trying to understand how ash from the 2019-20 bushfires has affected the waterways andoysterfarms of New South Wales. Their production is ...
You can explain that a happy secret often involves a surprise such as a family member’s upcoming birthday party, which is known to everyone and shared. An unhappy secret is less open and can occur when your child is asked by someone not to tell anyone about it. If the unhappy secret ...
Australia’s Black Summer Bushfires in 2019-2020 took a terrible toll in terms of lives and livelihoods. 33 people were killed. The fires burned more than 3,000 houses and 17 million hectares of land, and also caused the death of over one billion animals. Many communities lost all power ...
Devastating bushfires have beenspreading across Australiafor months, and they show no signs of slowing down. Millions of acres have burned, destroying about 2,000 homes and killing at least 25 people. It is estimated that more thanhalf a billion wild animalshave perished in the flames — a ...
or grows too tall and gets close to a power line. If any of these things occur, it’s best to do the right thing and get rid of the tree. Although you might have spent hours and hours getting the tree to where it is today, it is almost dishonorable to the tree to allow it to...
“I live in … Australia and have just experienced severe bushfires and had to be evacuated from our home. Our Cockatiel … became very stressed and depressed and started plucking out his feathers. I found your website, which recommended Bee Pollen. ...
2021). Often, changes in vegetation structure occur as a result of development, management (e.g., mowing), or through invasive species proliferation in city parks (Kühn and Klotz 2006; Cadotte et al. 2017). The latter has been shown to result in a decline in soil micro-invertebrate ...