It can seem like farts move slowly and insidiously through the room, which is why it's easy to blame yours on other people. However, they don't start out that way. Initially, they form in the body, build up pressure, then escape in a sudden rush, often with a te...
When we love someone from a distance, we often want them to know that we care and that we’re there for them, even while we know that a relationship isn’t going to be possible. Here are some important ways you can show your love for someone from a distance. 1. Be honest about yo...
Anyway, I think that Tony didn't try hard enough to eliminate his own child from the shot in question. There are things you can do other than cropping to excise a child from a photo. You can Photoshop Tweety Bird over the child. You can replace their head with a Troll Face. Or, be...
When I’m writing an article or a chapter in a book, I often have ten or twelve tabs pulled up on my browser as well as a few books open in front of me, all of them research and resources to make my writing better, more detailed, more lifelike. Writers bring information to people...
Do Chickens Show Affection to Humans? Chickens can and do show affection to their owners. The signs can come in the form ofrubbing their beak on your neckor fact, squatting to be petted, watching your every move, talking to you in their own way, tilting their head when you talk, lays...
Well, then Virus particles or bacteria begin to wage war on the cell lining of your throat (if they entered through your mouth) and the mucus membranes often become inflamed and infected as those first casualties start to pile up. How does your body respond to this at...
Every so often — usually, as I was in the middle of an important phone interview or trying to compose a pithy lead — I would hear this loud, rocket-ship-like swoosh, followed by the thud of the glass and metal canister arriving. It was a bit jarring, and at the time, I found ...
Why do humans not have a third eyelid? It's vestigial, meaningit no longer serves its original purpose. There are several other vestigial structures like the plica semilunaris in the human body. Most of these became vestigial long before homo sapiens existed, quietly riding along from one of...
I came across this question recently in a writing group. How often do you need to tell the reader who is speaking? There are a few different rules to decide how often you use dialogue tags. The most important thing to remember is: ...
As the most common personality type,ISTJsare the foundation of many communities and workplaces around the world. These types are highly detail-oriented, pragmatic, and grounded. Because they are so detail-oriented and dependable, they are prized in the workforce and are often over-represented in...