Women who are interested in becoming a nun are encouraged to evaluate the different orders and to try living in a convent for some time while working in the outside world. Often living in a convent can help a woman decide whether serving God as a nun is really her chosen path. Women wh...
I say so publicly, and I’m learning to do so more openly and more often and with less fear of the reactions it may get. This, I think, is the thing about praising God that makes it the heart of our prayer life. It is that this is a life of “and,” not “but.” I love ...
How do Catholics/Christians justify using NFP to avoid pregnancy when the Bible does specifically say not to abstain? Do couples who are religious and practice NFP pray and fast each time they *want* to have sex but are fertile and ‘cant’? On an unrelated note…isn’t a woman’s ...
You pray the Holy Rosary for peace and the Triumph of our Lady’s Heart. You can not be deceived by any means. But unless the data of the matter is present to your mind in terms of what the Church actually teaches – how can you discern? The Church has clear and infallible teachings...
Get a Rosary. Get yourself enrolled in the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Pray the Rosary before her image and simply ASK HER, like a child-son might as one’s Mother – to give you her Protection as well as INSTRUCTION in these and any other spiritual matters. –Fr. ...
Do this at your own Parish or a nearby Parish. Masses are not that expensive and need to be offered more often not just for the deceased but for those of us still living and the needs of the world. IF every Catholic in the world did this imagine the change we would see in our ...
Rick Warren, Religious Liberty, and Catholics & Evangelicals Together It is a well-known fact, based on Bible prophecy, that the last-days one-world religion called the “harlot” will be a counterfeit to the true church, which is the Bride of Christ. Bible scholars who take this position...
Eucharist/Confession/Rosary/Sacramentals Catholics are in a privileged position in the battle against the evil spirits, because the Catholic church has been fighting against the powers of hell since Jesus instituted the Church upon Peter, the first Pope, and the Apostles (the Bishops) some 2000 ...
The concepts and measurements in psychology of religion often adhere to its Judeo-Christian roots, which causes problems when measuring non-Christian religiosity. In this paper, two successive studies are presented. The first study applied Huber’s CRS-15, while the second study used the CRSi-20...
Lent is a Christian tradition that is observed in many denominations. It is the hallowed forty-day period of sacrifice leading up to Jesus' death and Resurrection. During Lent, Orthodox Christians, Catholics and some Protestants prepare...