and jekuthiel father and jephthah came to and jeroboam the son and jesus questioned and joab answered the and joseph dwelt in e and joshua sent men f and judah and his bre and just a dream and just as suddenlys and just giving them and keep great teache and keep me far from and kidn...
They've lost their brother whom they love, but also, this is an untimely death, and they really believe that Jesus could have done something about it. And yet these days have gone by. Lazarus has been in the tomb for four days. The four is important a little bit in the backstory ...
will." That may be true in some cases, but if we are walking in close fellowship with the Lord on a day-to-day basis--devoting ourselves to prayer and the study of His Word--we can trust that we are hearing from God when we ask for His will and wisdom in a situation. Jesus ...
Do You Experience God Often?Do You Fear Failure?Do You Get Distracted Easily?Do You Got Faith?Do You Have Any Secret Sins?Do You Have A Bad Habit?Do You Have A Fear Of Death?Do You Have A Relationship With Jesus?Do You Have A Sense Of Humor?
I’ve given away money to charities over the years. You may have too, and millionaires and billionaires are no different. They want to give cash to causes they care about, but they just do it on a much larger scale, because they have the means to. A lot of rich people give away th...
Do You Experience God Often? Do You Fear Failure? Do You Get Distracted Easily? Do You Got Faith? Do You Have Any Secret Sins? Do You Have A Bad Habit? Do You Have A Fear Of Death? Do You Have A Relationship With Jesus? Do You Have A Sense Of Humor? Do You Have Childlike Fait...
Yet we so often keep God at arm’s length, not wanting to give up what we perceive as better—our freedom to live life our way, to experience what the world has to offer—and only discover after much grief and heartache that we have spent “money for what is not bread, and wages ...
How often will you have to Plead the Blood of Jesus on all of the above in order to get God’s maximum protection on these things? Through personal trial and error with the Lord on all of this, I have found out that in my own personal life, that I have to Plead the Blood of Jes...
“Democracy has become a weapon of moneyed interests. It uses the media to create the illusion that there is consent from the governed ... Democracy is often ... a government by wealthy elites.” The United States is a constit...
They've lost their brother whom they love, but also, this is an untimely death, and they really believe that Jesus could have done something about it. And yet these days have gone by. Lazarus has been in the tomb for four days. The four is important a little bit in the backstory ...