本文翻译自TED演讲 How not to take things personally 你是否觉得自己比较敏感,比如你总会把别人的言语和行为放在心上,你开会说话的时候,看见有人看手机,就会觉得他不尊重你,觉得别人不重视自己开车的时候,只要后面按喇叭,你就会慌,你会觉得别人嫌自己肉,邀请一个朋友出去玩,只要对方拒绝,不管什么理由,你都会觉得...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnJwH_PZXnM #tedtalk# #英语口语# 【YT中文直翻,介意慎点】我们的大脑一点会产生5万个不同的想法,而其中只有一万个想法是积极的,也就是我们量产80%的消极想法 Frederik Imbo以前是一位足球教练,他的职业决定了他必须学会Not to take things personally,适合生气的时候看,...
I decided to become a referee for two other reasons: one, to stay in good shape; two, because I wanted to learn how not to take things personally. I can see some people nodding; you’re probably thinking being a referee is the perfect envi...
其中自尊心,就是关于那篇“do not take things personally”。展开来说的话,这个话题可以写本书。从最表层的职场交往中来说,上级或者同事、合作伙伴,不希望你容易因为take things personally而有很多负面情绪、变得情绪化。负面情绪是不被职场欢迎的,情绪化意味着不稳定、不可靠,难以合作。 2. How 然而,这并不是...
two strategies to not take things personally: 1 It's not about me, look about the other person's intention. The speaker is hurt by someone using a smartphone during the presentation, then it might not be about him- the topic might not interest the listener or he might have received an ...
Because when I take things personally, I'm convinced it is about me. I simply need to shift my focus from "me" to "we". If I try to see the intention of the other one, I make space for understanding instead of irritation. Seeing the positive intention of the other one requires a ...
How to not take things personally? -It’ not abt me.(look at other person’s intention) -It is abt me.(show urself some empathy and speak up)【转发】@:该账号因被投诉违反《微博社区公约》的相关规定,...
Humor can also enable someone not to immediately take things too personally. The ability to be a friend and have friends can create a stronger desire ... C Pereira - ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, 2805 East Tenth Street, Suite 120, Indiana University, Bloomington...
Learn how to not take things so personally with the help of these 6 powerful tips. These simple and practical habits will help you to live a happier life.
How to (Try to) Not Take Things PersonallySavvy Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen