🔘 如需【BBC6 分钟英语】最近五年mp3+录音稿 pdf合集资料,可在 up 工房下单,每周同步更新 ➡️ https://gf.bilibili.com/item/detail/1105884121🔘 同系列【BBC News Review】2024年合集资料 ➡️ https://b23.tv/mall-Yys3c-12f1HpwgMCGBBC官网可以免费下载
《How Not to Live Your Life》是英国BBC3台的最新爆笑戏剧片。讲述的是一个30多岁的神经质男子——Don,过着失败的生活。 某一天,他走进已故祖母的房子,并在那遇到了不愿离开的Eddie——祖母的护理师。Don看到了住在这里的好处并决定留下。为了支付所需费用,他决定招揽房客,并最终选择了他10来岁的情人Abby,...
P8008. 1 Secret to Speaking English like a Native (it's not what you think!) 02:33 P9009. How Native English Speakers Talk on the Telephone - Learn to Speak Fluently 02:38 P10010. Go Natural English - Public Speaking Lesson for ESL - Tips for Organizing y 02:22 P11011. English ...
BBC-3 SummaryDon is a single twentysomething who constantly fails to guide his way through life. His overactive mind doesn't help things as it plays out scenes of what he shouldn't say or do. When he moves into his recently deceased grandmother's house, he meets Eddie: his Gran's car...
you can make an average estimate to how long you would live, and over on the left here it gives the averages. So if we were looking at you for example, someone with a normal blood pressure and not being a smoker you’d expect to live to about 84 on average. As a smoker you’d...
Restaurants think carefully about the language they use to describe the food on their menus, trying to make it sound appealing, tasty or poetic. Instead of hamburgers, we have gourmet burgers. It's jew not gravy. And raspberry ...
BBC079-Romance音频:00:0006:13 Transcript Note: This is not a word-for-word transcript. Dan Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English– the show that brings you an interesting topic, authentic listening practice and vocabulary to help yo...
Mark does not pull punches about the nightmare that we are staring down the barrel of. And he is helpfully clear that we cannot now prevent disasters: they are here, and we are going to have to adapt to a rising tide of them. But he is right that there is enormous scope for us to...
The only catch is that if you're travelling or not permanently based in the UK, BBC iPlayer will recognise that you're not in its catchment area and immediately block you. To bypass this frustrating blockade, you will need to use aVPN. These cybersecurity services can hide your real IP ...
to lose my dad and to not have you here to comfort me and to keep my mind busy, but you would have been happy to see that I kept it together and pushed through. I never realized how hard it would be to not have you here—other friends have stepped up, but it doesn’t fill ...