本文翻译自TED演讲 How not to take things personally 你是否觉得自己比较敏感,比如你总会把别人的言语和行为放在心上,你开会说话的时候,看见有人看手机,就会觉得他不尊重你,觉得别人不重视自己开车的时候,只要后面按喇叭,你就会慌,你会觉得别人嫌自己肉,邀请一个朋友出去玩,只要对方拒绝,不管什么理由,你都会觉得...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnJwH_PZXnM #tedtalk# #英语口语# 【YT中文直翻,介意慎点】我们的大脑一点会产生5万个不同的想法,而其中只有一万个想法是积极的,也就是我们量产80%的消极想法 Frederik Imbo以前是一位足球教练,他的职业决定了他必须学会Not to take things personally,适合生气的时候看,...
如何别往心里去 How not to take things personally- Frederik Imbo- TED 科幻Fans贝吉塔 3752 播放 · 3 弹幕 Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 01|什么是正确的事情? _Sky_walker 4 播放 · 0 弹幕 Lie to me|掌握这些微表情 帮助你成为表情管理大师 _Sky_walker 55 播放 · 1 弹...
其中自尊心,就是关于那篇“do not take things personally”。展开来说的话,这个话题可以写本书。从最表层的职场交往中来说,上级或者同事、合作伙伴,不希望你容易因为take things personally而有很多负面情绪、变得情绪化。负面情绪是不被职场欢迎的,情绪化意味着不稳定、不可靠,难以合作。 2. How 然而,这并不是...
two strategies to not take things personally: 1 It's not about me, look about the other person's intention. The speaker is hurt by someone using a smartphone during the presentation, then it might not be about him- the topic might not interest the listener or he might have received an ...
How to (Try to) Not Take Things PersonallySavvy Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen
Learn how to not take things so personally with the help of these 6 powerful tips. These simple and practical habits will help you to live a happier life.
To conclude: how not to take things personally? One, it is not about me. Look at the other person’s intention. If that doesn’t work, two, it is about me. Give yourself empathy and speak up. Ladies and gentlemen, please, pretty please,...
How to not take things personally? -It’ not abt me.(look at other person’s intention) -It is abt me.(show urself some empathy and speak up)【转发】@:该账号因被投诉违反《微博社区公约》的相关规定,...
Humor can also enable someone not to immediately take things too personally. The ability to be a friend and have friends can create a stronger desire ... C Pereira - ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, 2805 East Tenth Street, Suite 120, Indiana University, Bloomington...